Navigation Menu


This section is still being developed but you will some useful information in the menu to the right.


Still quite basic as we have not had the time to develop it fully, but the essentials are there and may help to clarify some points for new-comers. obviously many of the descriptions of terms are biased towards our interpretation of the situation and we make no excuses for this.



The Documentation page is a list of all the documents we have found that may shed light on aspects of the current Climate Engineering programs. It is worth noting that we have not had the time to read them all, so we are not stating anything by posting them, simply providing readers the chance to investigate further.

It is also important to understand that some are produced by government and other complicit organisations, so may in fact counter our own information. At the point this project was abandoned, many weeks or months worth of work was still left to do and organising this page was never achieved.

