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Metrojet 9286 – Damining new evidence

Posted by on 1:04 pm in blog | 0 comments

Metrojet 9286 – Damining new evidence

Evidence emerges that leaves most of the official versions of the event presented by the western media in tatters. They have squirmed around vociferously claiming it was settled while simultaneously changing their story every few days as new evidence emerged. We said immediately it was an explosion in the front cargo hold, exactly as was the case in Las Vegas. If verified, we think 2 crucial new images may confirm our theory beyond reasonable doubt.

Read the full report here.


Metrojet update – mid air fire picked up by satellites

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Metrojet update – mid air fire picked up by satellites

We waited for the inevitable ‘conclusive explanation’ that was bound to come from the Russian authorities but the bomb theory does not add up. Here we look at some of the more compelling evidence that suggests we might have been correct in our initial assumption that this was yet another explosion of the pressurised Climate Engineering systems fitted to these aircraft.

Read the full report here.


Yet another one bites the dust

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Yet another one bites the dust

Sadly our prediction that more and more Airbus A320 family aircraft will crash in unexplained circumstances has once again come true. A Metrojet flight from Sharm el-Sheikh to St Petersburg has crashed killing all on-board. We think this is yet another failure of the pressurised systems fitted to these aircraft.

Read more here.


Daily satellite images for 2015

Posted by on 4:15 pm in blog | 0 comments

Daily satellite images for 2015

We publish a gallery of daily images from the Worldview satellite showing the results of the daily onslaught in our skies together with damning evidence of the 3 primary types of induced clouds produced by aircraft.

Read more here.


London hit by massive spraying

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London hit by massive spraying

As the high pressure seems to prevent the low Cumulus cloud from forming, we are witnessing what is going on just a couple of thousand feet higher. Vast numbers of aircraft are relentlessly spraying substances unknown into our skies above London. We also see these aircraft leaving trails at ever lower altitudes. the lowest recorded today was 17,000ft. Even the new revised official figure for contrail formation, which was lowered from 37,000ft to 20,000ft last year by the MET following difficult enquiries, can’t explain this.

See the gallery here.

British Airways plane catches fire in Las Vegas

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British Airways plane catches fire in Las Vegas

As yet another aircraft suffers a major disaster is this the latest in a series of explosions that could be the cause of the alarming number of aviation incidents happening now. Nearly all of those incidents have been shrouded in secrecy, with suspicious and contradictory stories as cover ups are very quickly pushed out by the organisations trying to hide the real cause. To see this happen so close and clearly is very revealing.

Read more here.


More MET Office lies

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More MET Office lies

As the MET Office release their latest attempt to mislead the public and continue their rather crude and obvious subterfuge to conceal large-scale weather modification programs in UK airspace, we analyse the increasingly desperate and confusing responses to inquiries that are now emanating from their weather-desk staff and meteorologists, and why some people find it so hard to get 4 from 2+2.

We also present a stunning time-lapse of trailing over Brighton.

Read more here.


Do you live on the coast?

Posted by on 11:14 am in blog | 0 comments

Do you live on the coast?

Do you live overlooking an English coastline? The location is irrelevant we need your help urgently. Simple, very easy and extremely important research help needed. You do need any scientific knowledge at all, this is a simple task that anyone can do in their home.

Please contact us using the contact form only. Do not use Fakebook or email.

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Caught red-handed

Posted by on 1:41 pm in blog | 0 comments

Caught red-handed

We finally publish the series of images that show the chemicals being loaded onto an Airbus A320 right in front of our eyes. 3 large ULD containers one for each of the 3 pipes we see in the pylon of the Airbus A320s now. When the team loading them spotted us they radioed security who immediately closed the gate and removes us. Too late though. Job done!

Read the full story and see the gallery here.


168 Climate Engineering patents

Posted by on 2:24 pm in blog | 0 comments

168 Climate Engineering patents

For a “crazy conspiracy theory” Climate Engineering has a lot of patents relating to it. Here we list 168 of them. Bill Gates reputedly owns at least one of them. As with all bad things in this world follow the money. The corporate greed which has fueled this burgeoning industry has, rather stupidly of them, resulted in a trail of evidence that lists very clearly the interested parties, but more importantly also shows that the claims by the minority clique of corporate-backed scientists that this is still just a distant concept are utter nonsense.

Read more here.