Increasing numbers of suspicious air disasters seem to be caused by explosions in the on-board, aerosol spraying systems in the front cargo hold of A320s 09.09.2015 Following the spate of aircraft incidents in the past few years, with the most bizarre and suspicious being the Genmanwings Airbus A320, could we have just witnessed at close hand what has occurred to all the other aircraft as we predicted some time ago? Germanwings Flight 9525 was supposedly caused by yet another suicidal pilot, but the fact that a very loud bang was reported just before the plane went down, and the fact that it descended very slowly do not support the official version of events at all. The media went into a creative frenzy with all sorts of nonsense about the second pilot being locked out and the mental illness history of the supposedly suicidal pilot, but many people, including us, simply did not believe it. We said immediately that an explosion of the pressurised dispersal systems in the hold was the likely cause. Now here we are with a similar incident right in front of our eyes, and still they will not acknowledge the truth about what happened despite glaringly obvious video and photographic evidence. British Airways Flight 2276 A Boeing 777-200 bound for Gatwick Airport. Fitted with 2 GE90 engines. A very loud bang was reported by at several passengers, which resulted in the side of the front hold being blown out. If we examine the images it is clear, as any explosives expert will testify, that the metalwork is clearly distorted away from the hold, in the direction of the blast, resulting in a huge gaping hole. this is indicative of a substantial explosion inside the hold. Bent metal aside, the reverse is completely impossible for the simple fact that a burning engine, aside the fact that it is unlikely to actually explode, could not eject enough material and with such force as to blow a hole so large into the fuselage. If the engine had caught fire, the area above and on both sides of the engine would have suffered damage and most of the wing would have been damaged also. This is clearly not the...
Read More“One fine day…”used to be the start of many a story. Today though most days that start off fine rapidly deteriorate as a fleet of aircraft fly over the UK repeatedly, leaving spreading trails that turn our beautiful blue dawns into streaky, hazy, and eventually grey skies. As London’s fast-paced population scuttle about they seem completely unaware of what is unfolding above their heads, so we captured a few images that spanned a single day to show them what they are missing as they read the papers and fidget obsessively with their dumb-phones. There are lots of images, and some are series of images to show the progression of aircraft trails as they spread. Remarkably some people are still in denial about the fact that our weather is being, at best affected by, or at worst controlled by ’emissions’ from commercial aircraft. To those people we say simply: If you can’t see what is going on then you are just not looking ! Public debate? Ministers and MPs have obviously been ordered to stonewall all inquiries but by doing so they are adding fuel to the fire. If this were simple pollution there would be a massive public debate on why aircraft emissions are blocking our sunshine, not to mention why NATS – National Air Traffic Service – are routing the offending aircraft out of their way to pass over the UK most populated areas.. That debate is not allowed to happen because we are not supposed to even think about this. Whoever is responsible is hoping very hard that we wont even notice it so they can sneak it past us for long enough to normalise it. Sorry guys but we have noticed, we are not happy and we want answers. Once again we refer our ministers to our website’s adopted motto: You can fool all the people some of the time and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time. All images taken Monday 22nd June – West London – Canon 6D / Canon EF24-105 lens. Nothing you see in any of these images is natural cloud cover. Every bit of what you see originated from...
Read MoreHow Carbon Black is being used to melt Arctic ice, Since first publishing this article some time ago we have discovered this report: Weather Modification by Carbon Dust Absorption of Solar Energy and written this accompanying article which explains precisely what is going on with the soot or Carbom Black as it is know. Published on: Nov 7, 2014 Shocking images of Greenland’s black ice may be caused by the effects of one of the 3 main climate engineering programs. This article on the website attributes this black soot-like fallout to wildfires, but we find it hard to believe that fires would cause such a massive amount of what appears to be uniform fallout over such vast areas. The writers have stated that they will be doing analysis of the soot-like layer deposited on the ice which should confirm the source. We would put money on the fact it will turn out to be combusted diesel soot. We would also like to do our own analysis so as to be sure we are getting the real story about this. If this can be proved to be combusted diesel soot then we have a huge piece of evidence to back up our theory about ‘CO2 forcing‘ by commercial aircraft. All images taken from original article on The link to CO2 and the Global Warming Hoax The supposedly ‘disastrous tipping point‘ of 400ppm, which is claimed by the corporate-backed, climate-alarmist agitators to represent a pivotal threshold above which the world will warm more than 2 degrees Celsius and may lead to runaway warming, was recently recorded in South America. This has been used to fuel global anxiety about the supposedly impending climate catastrophe. The IPCC – the UN’s International Propaganda on Climate Change department – recently reported that “climate catastrophe is only 30 years away“, a completely reckless claim that has no scientific validity whatsoever. The reason this is relevant is because CO2 is now the only remaining thing supporting the now desperately flagging Climate Change Hoax. Look-Up’s exclusive expose’ of a deliberate CO2 forcing program carried out by a fleet of commercially liveried aircraft completely undermines this last leg of the hoax. also realised that if...
Read MoreYou have just heard about this and want a quick and simple explanation. This page is a condensed version of the website essentially. It takes less than 10 minutes to read and will give you a quick overview of the topic and what is going on. Then you can decide how you want to deal with that information. Uncomfortable information is never welcome we realise, but to ignore this issue would be a huge mistake. If you do nothing else sign the e-petition here or at the base of the page when you have finished reading. You have nothing to lose by doing so and everything to gain. Introduction A core group of corporate-backed scientists are hell-bent on ignoring the advice from the majority of the world’s scientific community that Climate Engineering – the spraying of aerosolised chemicals from aircraft to create cloud cover – is dangerous, unlikely to have any beneficial effects as it causes more warming than it prevents and completely unnecessary anyway. They are insisting that so-called trials should start very soon. One would imagine that any program that involves spraying chemicals unknown into our atmosphere would go through stringent trials and public approval, but no such process is planned, quite the opposite. Debate on the issue is kept to an absolute minimum, not advertised well, and public involvement is not really welcome. Our presence at the scientific events is tolerated at best. There are, and will not be, any public announcements, consultations or safety trials. No accountability. No way to check what is being sprayed and whether it is safe or indeed any public acknowledgement at all. Our opinion is neither sought nor welcome. These scientists will claim they engaged with the public, but our tolerated presence at the European events and managing to get the odd question in is not what we would call public debate. Why is our media relentlessly reporting on our possible exit from the EU and focusing on migrants and other such stories, but not a single word is mentioned about plans to spray potentially harmful chemicals into our skies to control our weather. Does that seem normal to you? Does that sound like a genuine scientific program designed to...
Read MoreThe Berlin Declaration attempted to subject SRM to regulation and public approval, so it was sabotaged. One of the most controversial and indeed revealing sessions of the Berlin Climate Engineering Conference 2014 was the Town Hall Meeting. This meeting was proposed by, and attended by, sceptical scientists who had grave concerns about SRM, how it is being pushed forward without due process and the possible ramifications if it is introduced on the back of a perceived emergency without regulation, without proper trials and without public debate and approval as some of the core group of pro-SRM hardliners aligned with the organisers of the event are calling for. It seems we were not alone in our suspicions that those people are hellbent on pushing SRM forward to the point of full implementation as soon as practically possible. There seem to be no plans for public debate or public approval and the suspicion of many was that proposed so-called trials would simply lead to full implementation almost immediately. Watch the meeting on Youtube here. This meeting laid bare the fear of the organisers and the small clique of scientists and others that we feel are part of the corporate structure behind the event such as David Keith, Clive Hamilton and Oliver Morton that their plans may be scuppered by those who would prefer a gradual and reasoned approach to SRM. They were all in there ready to sabotage this so as to prevent any form of declaration or agreement, and thereby ensure no public announcements or approval process would ever occur. It seems their intentions, as we had predicted, were to just go ahead and do this as quickly and as quietly as possible. Jane C.S.Long’s input (21:30) was particularly concerning, as she seems to insinuate that producing a document that simply tries to achieve many sensible and cautious things, is in some way suspicious. So when we look at her profile, again we see she is part of what we consider the ‘complicit organisations’ (those who seek to promote the mindset of climate emergency so as to foster the need to introduce unapproved SRM), so her rather aggressive attack on the document comes as no surprise. Steve’s...
Read MoreChemicals used in SRM causing a host of acute medical problems and even death in passengers and crews We strongly believe that chemicals used in current SRM – Solar Radiation Management – programs are making people sick. Increasing numbers of cases of serious illness are being reported among long-haul passengers and air crews which cannot be explained by any normal or recognised medical or environmental conditions. Aerotoxic Syndrome is the name given to a host of symptoms that many pilots, long haul and regular flyers experience during or immediately after flights. An article published in the Daily Mail in February 2015 describes the experiences of one pilot who suffered from the condition, but the article seems to suggest the cause is simply leakage of smoke from the engines. We disagree. The simple fact of the matter is that if there were such a simple cause airlines would have fixed it immediately due to the fear of £multi-million law suits. They simply would not ignore an issue if it were simple to fix as this would be if it were a simple mechanical issue. Passenger aircraft are serviced regularly and the regulations governing the safety of every aspect of passenger aircraft are incredibly stringent. To suggest that every aircraft in our skies has a mechanical fault that has existed for 20 years that causes harm to crew and passengers and which has not been fixed is, quite simply, ludicrous. With increasing numbers of people reporting acute illness from flying, crews getting severe chronic illness, several deaths to date, legal cases pending and many flight crews now complaining bitterly about this issue, this situation simply could not arise if it were really a simple mechanical fault. This issue was first recognised more than 20 years ago, so why would the airlines fail to fix the issue if it were caused by smoke leakage. Planes would have been grounded but they haven’t. Instead what we see is one of the world’s biggest and most complex cover ups being enacted. The airlines know exactly what the real cause is. Debates on the issue have even taken place in parliament, one of which we attended and reported on, and yet the true cause is...
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