Look-Up now relies entirely on donations. Look-Up.org.uk is now at the stage where I need your help to get this back at the forefront of our collective fight against Globalism and its Communist agenda. Sadly I exhausted all my capital running this campaign a few years back and had to semi-retire. I know what’s going on, I can prove it and I know how to stop it. All we need to do is raise enough money to get this into court. Please give as much as you can afford. 100% of all donations go towards the work I do. Sunshine and the air we breathe are fundamental to our lives, our health and our happiness. How dare private corporations mess with our weather and contaminate the air we breathe without our knowledge and consent. How dare Sadiq Khan and his Communist backers prevent us from driving and tax us and our businesses into bankruptcy. How dare he and his Communist backers force Electric Vehicles on us on the back of a falsified propaganda campaign about polluted air which they are causing. Donate via Buy Me A Coffee Clean Air And Sunshine – Buy Me A Coffee All donations are very gratefully received, but recurring payments are the most beneficial as they allow me to plan ahead and launch more ambitious projects. Current projects I am planning to get this show on the road again during 2024 with some exciting and ambitious projects. More about these soon but please donate as much as you can to try to replace the depleted coffers and allow me to start getting out there and active again. Ultimately nobody else is doing this in the UK in terms of active investigation, dissemination of crucial knowledge and understanding, and real-world activism. If I can raise £20,000 I can restart the Judicial Review which I had to pull out of in 2017 when I was forced out of my job by a London University because they became aware of my campaign. I have the knowledge and guts to defeat Sadiq Khan in the UK courts and put an end to his tyranny once and for all, which considering they rigged the London mayoral election just recently,...
Read MoreThis is where you will find most of the content for the website. Version 2 of the UK Climate Engineering Dossier We handed in 2 copies of our dossier. Both were 68 pages of printed and bound documents weighing at several kilos and A4 size. They were handed to the custodian at the door of No. 10 and we filmed this. Downing street claim to have lost them. Need we say more ! We are currently having version 2 prepared by lawyers so as to make the document more legally binding and will be finalising it over the next few weeks. Version 2 will be handed into the new prime minister when government reconvenes in a few weeks. also Films of passenger planes with no passengers and chemical cargo at Heathrow Terminal 5. Time lapse of skies being desecrated by planes. Recordings of phone conversations with the organisations involved that prove a cover up is in progress. They can be clearly heard lying and contradicting each-other. Our first legal case against one of the organisations involved. Lab results of human tissue samples from UK. Lab results of atmospheric fibres collected in the UK. PLEASE USE THE MENU ON THE RIGHT TO NAVIGATE THIS SECTION We still have a mountain of data to upload, but we are struggling with trying to get so many things done simultaneously. All in good time as they say. Despite the sense of urgency we feel, we also feel that the phrase slowly slowly catchy monkey has never been more appropriate....
Read MoreWhen someone first becomes aware of this phenomena, it can be a very unsettling time. Look-Up tries to help you manage this process by giving you all the information you need to know to answer those initial questions simply and concisely, and then to point you towards further information, both here and in other forums and organisations, depending on how you want to deal with that information. It has been prepared over time, based mostly on our own investigations. We do not simply regurgitate material we find online like most other pages, and indeed have become a global leader in new information and hypothesis in this field. The site attempts to be a source of useful information for everybody, from those who have just become aware of it, to those who are already knowledgeable about the subject and are simply trying to source the latest information and ideas about what is going on. This subject is large and complex, and the first steps to finding out about it can be overwhelming, both in terms of the amount of information there is to absorb and the emotional journey many people undergo, but also the amount of disinformation available online. Official denial As awareness grows, our government will be forced to admit this is already happening, but are very unlikely to actually admit they have always known, or to try to stop those perpetrating it from continuing. The government disinformation and denial machine is working very hard to try to deflect any questions it is asked. A classic example of this is the letter here, from Anne Rud, the minister for Energy and Climate Change: The official line seems to be one of trying to gently ease the public into accepting Climate Engineering, without having to make any public admission of its existence, or carrying out any public consultation or approval process whatsoever. We suspect the reason for this is that the public are highly unlikely to approve it, and the process involved in asking them to do so would be long and tumultuous, so they seem to be trying very hard to slip it under the public radar. Incredible as that sounds, they also seem to be succeeding at this....
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