Here we see a great video of trails which are different on each side of the aircraft. In the beginning of this video we see an aircraft with a single trail from engine 1 – left side – while engine 2 is clearly showing two separate plumes. Aviation engines do not have two exhaust outlets, only one and how can it be that we have one trails from engine 1 ad two trails from engine 2 ?...
Read MoreRecent research by Professor Barabara Maher, an Environmental Magnetist at Lancaster Environment Centre, suggests that Magnetite, a toxic, magnetic form of iron, has been discovered in the brains of people from the US and UK. Magnetite has been linked to Alzheimers. Once again we see cars being implicated as the likely cause in media reports. Nowhere in The Times article does it mention aviation as a possible cause. We know a fleet of commercially liveried passenger aircraft operate over Europe pumping carbon smoke into the atmosphere during flight so it is reasonable to assume that the likely cause is aviation rather than ground transport. Read The Times article here or watch the video report from Professor Maher below. See our film showing the likely source of these particles below. An interesting film on the effects of Magnetite here...
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Read MoreExclusion of aviation from Paris deal supports Climate Engineering We have not managed to analyse the draft agreement from Paris yet but activists who attended the event have reported the disappearance of aviation and shipping emissions from the most recent draft. This is a serious blow to genuine climate campaigners and to those of us who realise the reality of what is going on behind the facade of international climate negotiations. Earlier drafts had included both in the global CO2 emissions limiting deals but in the latest draft, published recently by the UN, both shipping and aviation have been mysteriously removed with no explanation it seems. Obviously from our standpoint shipping is not too much of an issue, but the removal of aviation is yet further confirmation that this event, the agreement and the Global Climate Circus that underpins it is a total and utter farce. Much is made on Wikipedia and assorted other more official sources about the large contribution to global emissions by the aviation industry, so it is well-known that it is probably the largest single industrial polluter globally, and some accounts refer to it by saying that if it were a country it would be the 7th largest polluter globally, apparently contributing in the region of 2.5% of all CO2 emissions. Imagine Let’s leave aside for a moment that most passenger aircraft have been modified to spray aerosols during flight and that they are being used to create what little extreme weather there is and what little climate change is actually happening. Let’s imagine that the world really was warming. Let’s imagine that CO2 really was able to cause our atmosphere to warm. Finally let’s try really hard to imagine that the world really did face the prospect of a very sudden and catastrophic period of runaway warming that will spell the end of mankind… we realise it’s hard, but try just for a moment. If all those things were true, and if the Poli-Comm Mafia that are behind the Global Climate Circus really were trying to work out a way to save us from said apocalypse then the first thing to do would be to limit aviation activity. One might describe aviation as a...
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