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This topic is quite expansive and confusing, especially for those new to it. To make things worse there are several terms for some things. We try and list the more common terms used in the scientific and daily press.


Climate Engineering – officially defined as the large-scale deliberate intervention in the earth’s climate systems.It is a catch-all term describing all or any particular one of the many ways the climate can be altered by man-made processes or processes instigated or accentuated by man-made systems.

Geo-engineering –  simply another terms for Climate Engineering

Weather modification – basically the same thing as Climate Engineering. Used by some to insinuate a more local program, but ultimately it amounts to the same thing.

SRMSolar Radiation Management – An array of techniques to reduce the amount of solar radiation reaching the earth’s surface. They include the technique of spraying aerosols into the atmosphere, supposedly the stratosphere, to reflect sunlight known as SAG or SAI

Stratosphere – middle layer of the atmosphere, typically over 50,000ft in temperate zones. NB passenger aircraft fly below 40,000ft

Troposhere –  lower layer of the atmosphere typically below 50,000ft. This is where most commercial aviation operates. smaller jets sometimes fly as high as 45,000ft but not much goes above that.

Stratospheric Aerosol Injection (S.A.I) – the process of spraying particulates into the high atmosphere (Stratosphere). Normally done by planes, but other methods have been proposed such as  delivery pipes suspended by balloons.

aka –  Stratospheric Aerosol Geoengineering / S.A.G

aka – Stratospheric Sulphate Aerosol Geoengineering / S.S.A.G – as above but specifically using sulphate particles.

Carbon dioxide removal / CDR –  a number of technologies which reduce the levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.[1] Among such technologies are bio-energy with carbon capture and storage, biochar, direct air capture, ocean fertilization and enhanced weathering.

HAARPHigh Frequency Active Auroral Research Program A system that uses electromagnetic antenna to create very powerful directional beams of electromagnetic energy. The official line is this is purely for theoretical research but many believe it is being used now in conjunction with other methods to alter weather. patterns.

NEXRAD – Next Generation Radar. Defined officially as a weather monitoring system, it is claimed by many that it is actually being used to influence weather systems, not just monitor them. Look-Up does not currently concern itself with any of the weather related EMF technologies other than cell towers – phone masts – which we now belive may be involved in producing tyhe induced Cumulus clouds we now see in our skies,.

Particulates – Very tiny particles of any material. Usually at the <10 micron level, these particles can stay suspended in the air for a long time. They also have the ability to penetrate deep into the lungs of animals and humans If small enough they can cross the lining of the lungs and enter the blood, and in extreme cases can cross the blood brain barrier and enter brain tissue.

Contrail – The trail left by jet planes when flying in very extreme conditions. Water vapour crystallises into ice to form a trail which dissipates quickly in the atmosphere. The conditions quoted to us by the MET Office were -57 Celsius and above 37,000ft. They have now tried to renege of the altitude since we published pictures of aircraft leaving trails as low as 18,000ft.

Persistent contrail – a term invented a few years ago, probably by NASA, to try to explain the persistent trails we now see being produced by modified aircraft.


Induced Cumulus clouds – small fuzzy clouds that form only over land in the UK and in long lines spanning from cost to coast on most days. We feel these cloud-like formations are produced by the ionization of the plastic miscrofibres released by passenger aircraft during flight. The EMF

Iridescent clouds – as above but related to clouds that seem to be multi-coloured, or display rainbow patterns or stripes in high thin cloud (stratospheric cloud). NB. Most Climate Engineering takes place in the stratosphere, but some planes have been seen leaving trails as low as 20,000ft, and often the material will fall to lower altitudes.

CAA – Civil Aviation Authority. The government body that oversees all aviation in the UK

BAA – British Airports Authority. They manage all UK airports

NATS – National Air traffic Service (responsible for routing of all air traffic over the UK)

IASS – Institute for Advanced Sustainable Studiied – hosts of the Climate Engineering Conference 2014 in  Berlin.

CCAC – Climate and Clean Air Coalition

CEC-14 – The Climate Engineering Conference 2014 held in Berlin.