Member Research
This page is dedicated to providing you with research projects that we need people to carry out on our behalf. We will eventually have automatic forms that you can submit to, but for now we will have to use email. Please note that to participate you will have to live in England, follow certain guidelines as outlined in out page called security, with regards using certain browsers and software and specific email accounts. you will need to have a basic knowledge of excel too.
The following topics are tings we need help with:
Weather Data
Compile day-to-day readings from independent sources and from official sources. Ideally we need data going back 10 years and continuing on a daily basis.
Flight Data
Gather historical data from independent sources and official sources
Gather current and historical flight data from NATS
Record daily flight paths of planes over UK airspace live. This will require many people to cover a 2 hour slot each. Ideally we need to monitor every plane over the UK on any particular day and are trying to work out a way of doing this with people feeding back to us in real time.
Cross check flight information displayed by the flights to schedules from the airlines. This is a way we feel we may be able to catch them out as planes from commercial airlines should not be in the air unless they have been advertised as a scheduled flight with the possibility to buy tickets on that flight. We have evidence of KLM doing this but we need UK based information.
Human Tissue samples
Find 20 people or varied ages and with varied lives in your area who are prepared to have hair and nail samples taken for analysis of heavy metals. We recently conducted tests on 25 people in the London area. Results will be published very soon. We are planning to roll this out on a national scale in the spring.
Statistical data collection
Request statistical information from hospitals and GP surgeries in your area. More info on application.
Investigate key figures in this program
We would like someone dedicated to building detailed profiling of the people that are heading this program. David Keith is a prime example. He has strong links with Bill Gates, the IPCC and the Royal Society, all of whom are at the core of this deception. We suspect we know the basic structure of the extended network, the organisations involved and their motives too. We can’t publish this though until we have more detailed information and proof of our assertions. If you have a truly investigative mind and would like to take this on then please get in touch.
Field work
We can’t tell you what this is here but we need people on the ground looking up at key locations. When we have a reliable team we intend to implement a day of observation shall we say. You need a car, a good camera with a zoom lens, and a couple of days free. Please contact us if you can help.
Picture and video editors
As we collect more and more data we really need help sorting and preparing it.
Picture editor – all you need is basic knowledge of a picture editing program, even something as simply as Microsoft Paint, and internet connection and a few hours a week to spare. We can show you very quickly what we need you to do, but the image above is what you will be producing essentially but lots of them, and then cross checking the data for those aircraft.
Video editor – We need someone with good editing skills and an investigative mind to help us prepare all our video content for publication online. This is really where we have very little skill, and why this site and associated pages have such little video evidence up yet.