The Gulf of Guinea
This page is still being drafted
Here we analyse the evidence that suggests to us that there is an US military base in the Gulf of Guinea. It has virtually been confirmed because Metabunk had a fit when they saw this stuff and went all out, getting out the manual of advance BS to come up with ludicrous explanations to suggest this was a glitch in We think the images below show not only that Metabunk are full of it, but that what we think is going on really is going on. All the evidence from FR24 is that the base is still there and operational. Though the airstrip itself is not visible, we still see a large amount of suspicious traffic in that area, and planes often disappear from view in the immediate vicinity of the once visible airstrip.
I would imagine the infrastructure there is pretty large and complex, but then with billions of dollars at your disposal, who knows, it may have been moved. Since we broke this story, there has been much more activity around Lagos, Cotonou and Luanda.
It is unclear at this stage if the chemicals are being manufactured in this compound, or simply distributed from there. I would imagine both, as the area is very easy to defend. There is likely a large exclusion zone around the compound so this would be the best place to do this really. We do suspect strong links with South America though. The organisations behind this program are linked to corporations such as In-Q-Tel, Synergy Group and Avianca Brazil (plus the 3 major airline alliances we discuss in the article The Perpetrators), and we see flights to and from South America from this island. This could simply be delivery of chemicals to that continent for spraying though, as the program is also on-going there, but it may also be more than that. We simply don’t know at this stage.
When we first broke this story Metabunk went crazy with all sorts of frenzied attacks and explanations (predictably), so we knew we were correct in suspecting something very big and serious was going on there. Metabunk is basically like a government clap-ometer for your theories. Post them, and see their reaction. The louder they squawk, the more you know you are onto something hehe. Anyhow, pisstaking aside, they claimed immediately that this was a glitch. They also claimed it had been reported to Flightradar24 (FR24)and fixed. We contacted FR24 and they denied this was possible, as their system was purely reactive to information from Google-maps, Bing and privately owned and operated ADB-S receivers dotted around the world. so we can only assume that an ADB-S unit was operational in that area, and was found and switched off. We even saw some attempts to try to re-create this phenomena in the Atlantic, with transatlantic flights veering up the meridian line for w while before jumping back to their original course. This is the lengths these people will go to hide this stuff. We have no way of knowing if FR24 has been ‘ordered’ to d this or if certain planes have been ordered to fly that path to produce those results from FR24. We suspect the latter to be honest, as the flight details displaying on these anomalies are all well know chemtrail flights, so probably part of the ‘fleet’ as it were. Sadly we also have no way of probing FR24 any deeper as they are a private company in Sweden, so we cannot take any legal action or do FoI requests. Our communication with them was terminated after some difficult questions we asked, and they are now not responding to further requests. We have posted the communication between us and FR24 on our page Titled FR24 Communication
Despite this we still see planes approaching that area very clearly. These flights are all the same flights we have suspected all along, and they now disappear when approaching that island, so we can assume from this observation that they are now instructed to switch off as they approach. This is entirely possible and safe if ground radar is present. We also see this happening regularly at certain UK airports. Many flights now take off and land with their ADB-S switched off and only appear several miles from their port or origin for some strange reason. It is as if they were trying to hide their origin, but it is often very clear from the trajectory and height, where it took off. All very suspicious, but we digress (more on this in the FR24 page when we have time to finish it.)