The chemicals being loaded…
Below we see a series of images that we took last year. We felt it time to release them. What we believe is happening here is the loading of 3 ULDs – Unit Load Devices – into the front hold of an Airbus A320 with tanks of chemicals that are then dispersed from the 3-pipe, aerosol delivery systems fitted in the pylon of all Airbus A320 aircraft belonging to participating airlines. These ULDs are normally used to transport luggage or freight in the hold of the aircraft.
It is very important to note that as soon as the team loading these containers noticed us filming they closed the gate and we were forced to leave. It’s a shame as we wanted to see if the containers were taken out of the plane again, leaving just the tanks or cylinders or whatever they use, or if they remained in the front hold for the flight. We will expand on why this is important at a later date.
We know that the front hold is where the systems are located that draw the chemicals from those tanks and feed it to the whatever is between the hold and the pylon pipes. This is why participating airlines have sought to reduce passenger luggage allowances over the last 30 years, so as to be able to free up the front hold on all Airbus A320 models (A319/A320/A321). The front hold on participating airlines is never used for luggage anymore, and ground staff at airports other than the home airports – by this we mean where the airlines are based – are no longer allowed access, as can be seen from the single image below. We have confirmation of this from the ground staff we spoke to on the Isle of Man where that image was taken. All passenger luggage is now loaded by hand into a conveyor-belt and into the rear hold. Any freight also seems to be loaded into the rear hold. We suspect this applies at all airports. At ‘home airports’, luggage and freight are handled in the same way, but special teams operate independently to the chemicals into the front holds.
It is not yet clear if these teams are employed by, and work exclusively for, individual airlines based at that airport, or if they are a dedicated team of air-side workers assigned to all airlines. More observation is needed to confirm this. If we are correct in our speculation that aircraft are only loaded at their home airports then the former is more likely, simply as this would maintain the ‘knowledge containement’ principle, or compartmentalisation, that we have discussed. The fewer people know the real purpose of what is going on the better and the less chance of anyone breaking ranks and speaking up about it. Also if those employees far for their jobs then they are unlikely to speak up.
Who knows what?
A major stumbling block in convincing others of the bigger picture is the amount of people that must be involved to be able to perpetrate an operation of this scale. The evidence is pretty clear and damning, but what are those people thinking? What do they know or what do they think they know? What have they been told? Even if they are paid a lot of money, surely they cannot all be knowingly involved in a big conspiracy to control our weather, so some other explanation is needed.
The most likely explanation, as we discuss elsewhere on the site, is a combination of bluff, bribery and fear for one’s job. The industry is awash with rumours of people being intimidated if they threaten to speak up. As far as the bluff goes, they are likely being told this is for something very important like protecting us from Global Warming and that they simply have to do it. They must know it is wrong or at least covert, or they would not have radioed to airport security and had the gate closed when they saw us filming.
Also of note is the fact the pilot is in the cockpit and can clearly see what is occurring. Pilots are required to complete a pre-flight check which contains details of weight and distribution of load so they can calculate thrust and various other things during TOAL – take off and landing. On the one hand it could be reasonably argued that there is no need for the pilot to know what is in those containers, but if we consider that the tanks of chemicals will gradually reduce in weight during the flight then this poses a serious problem and will confound those calculations. It is not clear at this stage exactly whereabouts in the hold those containers are placed, but even if the containers are placed directly above the wing, any significant reduction of weight will, we assume, affect the performance of the aircraft, especially during TOAL.
It is, therefore, very hard to imagine that a pilot of one of these flights does not know that something is being released during flight. Whether they know the whole story, or the full implications we wont know until we get one to speak to us. It could be reasonably argued that they are also victims of the bluff scenario too, or simply told to do their job and not to mentions it, which is equally as likely. Probably a combination of both apply at all levels. As we mentioned in other articles, there is also tantalising evidence, following the Germanwings A320 crash in France some time ago, that pilots and crew may be under some form of confidentiality agreement, or possibly even forced to sign the official secrets act or something similar. Pilots and crew of Germanwings refused to fly A320s following the crash, but were quoted as saying their refusal was simply for personal reasons. Nobody would say that unless they had to. Why are they not speaking up about their fears and reasons for refusing to fly?
When we then also consider the legal cases that are now occurring in relation to pilots, crew and passengers becoming ill on flights from a condition known as Aerotoxic Syndrome, we see there is clearly something very big and very suspicious going on.
Sceptics will inevitably bleat about them being freight, but the obvious freight is loaded into the rear hold along with all luggage. These containers are obviously very important and have a crew of 5 or 6 people dedicated to loading them in very carefully. The luggage arrives airside on ULDs that look similar, but is then offloaded onto crates and manually placed on the conveyor-belt and loaded into the rear hold.
There is a clear distinction here between normal freight and luggage and these 3 ULDs. In view of what we know about the location and nature of the dispersal systems it is hard to reach any other conclusion than the one we have. Here we see a plane being loaded and made ready for in-flight aerosol dispersion. Furthermore this aircraft was destined for the UK. We think this was our plane or the other one we filmed in our Smokers video that flew alongside us for much of the journey. It was clearly seen releasing black trails as it flew. All in, pretty damning evidence against Turkish Airline. BUSTED we think.
We will break the gallery down into sections and post more detailed analysis soon about each image, but essentially what you are seeing is a step by step gallery of the air-side procedure in which the planes are stocked with chemicals to spray during flight. This procedure is likely repeated at all base airports by the airlines involved. Let’s hope someone gets more similar evidence very soon.
As always we encourage others to be vigilant, take your camera with you everywhere when traveling. This must be happening at virtually all major hub airports where airlines are based so it cannot be unusual at all, quite the opposite.
Snap, cackle and pop it over to us if you see anything 🙂
Anyhow, enjoy the gallery !
- Luggage being offloded from ULDs to be manually loaded into rear hold
- ULDs - contain the chemicals
- These ULDs are what we suspect contain the chemicals
- These ULDs are what we suspect contain the chemicals
- These ULDs are what we suspect contain the chemicals
- These ULDs are what we suspect contain the chemicals
- These ULDs are what we suspect contain the chemicals
- Freight loaded at the rear
- Freight loaded at the rear
- Freight loaded at the rear
- This could be normal freight or chemicals. Interesting they are being moved in 3s
- This could be normal freight or chemicals. Interesting they are being moved in 3s
- Shortly after this they noticed us and closed the gate.